DECEMBER 2012: Food Empowerment in the News

DECEMBER 2012, FOOD IN THE NEWS – Linking News, Food and Empowerment

Nearly every day there are stories about the fast food sector that, when viewed with a sense of awareness, demonstrate why the industry has much to gain from being supportive of the Nickel-a-Meal Campaign. Here are a few for the end of 2012:

  • Healthy eating advocates say we eat too much in servings not often enough. Perhaps our physiology thinks something else? Insulin levels need to reboot themselves between meals to fend off obesity, or so some sciences say. Which could have implications for the kinds of fast foods we consume:
  • Can social media tools and social connectivity become a powerful anti-obesity tool? Not surprisingly, yes they can. See here for some American Heart Association suggestions. . But might social media not also be a great companion for the Nickel-a-Meal Campaign?
  • Repeatedly major media broadcasters have promised to change their behaviors in regards to how they advertise poor food choices to children. Apparently even some networks, like Nickelodeon (owned by Viacom) haven’t figured out how to practice what gets preached:
  • Gracoro Burger of Macaroni, White Sauce, Breadcrumbs and Shrimp on menu at McDonald’s in Japan. If they can make rather dramatic regional adjustments for taste, why can’t they give Nickel-a-Meal Campaign strategy access to the voices of local people elsewhere? This is really what the flow of revenues would offer as we work together to turn Burgers Against Obesity! Though I’m not sure that the ingredients in the Gracoro are all that healthy!